31 Days of Terror Day 20: “Better Watch Out”

As previously announced here, each day I will be posting a film to get you in the Halloween spirit. Each film is picked strategically based on what will excite you closer and closer to the big day.

DAY 20: BETTER WATCH OUT (2016) | Rotten Tomatoes Score: 86%
Image result for better watch out movie gif

This is one of those films you’ve never heard of and you don’t know why you’ve never heard of it.

This is my favourite time of year I look forward to because not only do I have one holiday to get hyped for, I have two, and that second one? Christmas.

Last year I was excited to incorporate a little bit of Christmas in to your Halloween and I am doing it again this year with this new, hopefully soon to be, classic.

Better Watch Out is about a kid and his babysitter who get an unexpected surprise during the holiday season. Things take a surprising turn as the night goes on… It goes from traditional home invasion to absolutely bonkers revenge tale, all in 90 minutes.

The film is hilarious and fun. I pretty much only included it on this list because I wanted an opportunity to talk about it as well as include some Christmas excitement into the list, but it is ultimately a fun film more people need to watch. The twist is completely out there and unexpected, and it uses horror elements to create a dark comedic comment on the holiday season and how messed up it can be.

Christmas season offers some of the most fun horror films, and this one is no exception and should become an annual viewing for you at the Halloween and Christmas season!

Check out 2017’s Day 20 entry here for more Halloween fun! You can stream today’s entry, Better Watch Out, here!

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