25 Days of Merry Day 15: “The Polar Express”

As previously announced here, each day I will be posting a film to get you in the Christmas spirit. Each film is picked strategically based on what I believe will excite you closer and closer to the big day.

Image result for polar express gif


I have loved this movie since its release when my mum took me for Christmas and we’ve watched it every year since.

A young boy finds himself aboard The Polar Express, a train with one destination and goal: the North Pole to make children believe in Santa again.

The visual animation of this film is incredible. The scenes in the North Pole are so intricate they could be real and feature animated characters in them. I’ll be honest, it features a musical number one too many, but for a feature-length film that gained its momentum from a children’s picture book they did a pretty solid job creating a stunning holiday film.

This film continues my message from The Santa Clause a few days back, that for films to target children audiences must be sensitive to the topic of Santa Claus because that could overall effect how it is received, this one plays the line safely.

I love visiting this movie every Christmas and I hope you do too or will begin to after following this list!

10 Days until Christmas!!

← Day 14: Christmas with the Kranks                               Day 16: Muppets Christmas Carol 

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