31 Days of Terror, Day 4: “Scream 3”

As previously announced here, each day I will be posting a film to get you in the Halloween spirit. Each film is picked strategically based on what will excite you closer and closer to the big day.

DAY 4 :  Scream 3 (2000) | Rotten Tomatoes Score: 37%Image result for scream 3 gif

So I will be the first to admit, I only added this film because I have covered the first two and fourth, so it felt wrong not concluding the discussion on one of my favourite series of all time. That being said, it is the least Halloween-feeling of the stack so hence why it is Day 4.

Scream 3 was released in 2000 and is the first film to not have original writer Kevin Williamson on board, as well its release was delayed following the massacre at Columbine High School. It featured heavy edits to trim down the violence as people commonly blame the series for creating violent teenagers. From the get-go, Scream 3 had a bitter taste before it ever touched the tongue of its viewers.

The film takes place 3 years after the original film and on the set of the third film in the “Stab” series – movies based off the Woodstock murders of the first Scream – where the cast and crew are being killed off by Ghostface. Sidney, Dewey, and Gale are back to track down the killer and bring the story full circle.

So I will admit – like many people will – the third entry is my least favourite. I give that distaste in credit to Ehren Kruger’s writing drifting completely off from the vibe of the first two AMAZING films, as well as them trying to pack too much in to what was supposed to be the final Scream movie. The comedy that made the first two so enjoyable is too in your face here, especially with Richard Warburton as the security guard to the equally stupid Jennifer played by Parker Posey. As well, I am not one that feels that violence is necessary to have an enjoyable horror film, but with the limited kills, it feels super lazy when you compare it to the first two where teenage icons are being dragged up by garage doors or tossed off sorority house balconies. The movie feels completely out of the realm. Maybe I should talk highly to some of its character…

Despite its flaws, I do enjoy some of Scream 3 and can justify adding it into the 31 Days of Terror line up. I remember as a kid, the scenes where Sidney has hallucinations of her moms ghost scared the absolute shit out of me. A scene where Sidney finds herself on set of “Stab 3” and a bloody sheet rises behind her and she hears the voice of her mom, it SCARED. ME! As well, I really enjoy the finale of the film. The chase through the house was actually one of the moments where I did not guess who the killer was because they do a fake out to pretend the killer is actually dead. So when I originally saw it, it did surprise me and was interested in what the motive behind the killer was.

This is one of the first filler films on this list, but ultimately I do still enjoy it for what its worth. I love this series because it forces me to consider all the good and bad of some of my favourite horror films.

Pop on Scream 3 and let me know what of the four films are your favourite! Or are you a bigger fan of Scream: The Tv Series? SOUND OFF.

Check out 2018’s Day 4 entry here for more Halloween fun! You can stream Scream 3 on Netflix.

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