31 Days of Terror, Day 6: “Jennifer’s Body”

As previously announced here, each day I will be posting a film to get you in the Halloween spirit. Each film is picked strategically based on what will excite you closer and closer to the big day.

DAY 6 :  Jennifer’s Body (2009) | Rotten Tomatoes Score: 44%Image result for jennifer's body gif

I’m very excited to introduce this film onto this years list as I feel it is one of the most underrated horror films of the 2000s.

In 2007, Diablo Cody won the Academy Award for her screenwriting for a small film that featured one quirky, very pregnant teen that became a cult classic: Juno. So when it was announced that Cody’s next film following the comedy was going to be a horror film, the 13 year old me was ecstatic.

Jennifer’s Body features Megan Fox as the titular Jennifer, a popular high school teenager who becomes possessed after a virgin sacrifice gone wrong. She feeds on the flesh of her male classmates, and her nerdy best friend, Needy (Amanda Seyfried), must put a stop to her feeding frenzy.

So I have to start by saying that in no way do I stand by Jennifer’s Body and say that it is a “good film”. I do however stand by it and say that it is an interesting exploration of female sexuality that has some funny one-liners, but can be a violent horror film to also ease you into the Halloween spirit while also having some fun. Jennifer Check is also a super cool costume idea, everyone! I am a big fan of Cody’s writing, some may say it is a stretch from accurate dialogue, but to say it isn’t original is unfair. Jennifer’s Body is a good-time from beginning to end and a perfect addition to the series this year that is aiming to admire to inspiration that horror from before has influenced onto the horror of today.

The idea of possession in horror has always been an analysis of hormonal teenagers, and Cody’s horror-comedy is no different and shoves that theme right in your face and then eats it.

Check out 2018’s Day 6 entry here for more Halloween fun! You can watch Jennifer’s Body here.

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