31 Days of Terror, Day 29: “Halloween (2018)”

As previously announced here, each day I will be posting a film to get you in the Halloween spirit. Each film is picked strategically based on what will excite you closer and closer to the big day.

DAY 29:  Halloween (2018) | Rotten Tomatoes Score: 79%
Image result for halloween 2018 gif

I’ve been waiting for this one!

Since its release last October, Halloween (2019) has become one of my favourite horror films recently. You could call me bias because of how much I adore the original, but truthfully turns the slasher subgenre – that Carpenter’s original classic is credited in creating – and turns it on its head making it more fit for contemporary audiences.

Set on the 40th anniversary of his original murders, Michael Myers escapes from a mental institution and returns to Haddonfield. Upon his return, he is greeted by his original victim – Laurie Strode – who has been waiting for him.

The most intriguing thing about this reboot is that it is actually a direct sequel to the original, completely erasing all the “Halloween” franchise films that we have come to know and have even seen on this list before. The writers do not completely write off these creative entries however, there are a few nods here and there to some of their most iconic scenes (like the gas station kills from Halloween 4: Return of Michael Myers (1988), or the silver shamrock masks from Halloween 3: Season of the Witch (1982) trick ‘r treating in the background).

As well, written here on this blog, the film is completely transformed to take the tropes created by the slasher franchise and update them to fit the #MeToo Movement that we live in today. Laurie Strode is seen as a victim, but is not trusted for what she says about Michael, she is commonly blamed for the murders. Her granddaughter, 2018’s “Final Girl” Allyson, is just as independent and less damsel in distress than Laurie was in 1978’s film.

From its set pieces to gory Halloween-esque kills, the updated film will definitely get you in the spooky mood for this haunting season, and offer you a new reason to be scared of Michael Myers again.

Check out 2018’s Day 29 entry here for more Halloween fun! You can stream Halloween (2019) here.

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